Robinia pseudoacaciaRobinia pseudoacacia

Black Locust

Botanical Name : Robinia pseudoacacia – French Name : Robinier Faux-Acacia

Catégorie :


-Height : 50-75 ‘(Max 100’)
-Diameter : 1-2 ‘(Max 3’)
-Lifespan : 60 years (Max 100 years)
– Growth :

-Weight : 4.00 lbs / bft
-Hardness : 1710 lbs
-Color : Greenish yellow to dark brown in green becoming reddish brown on exposure.
-Sapwood : creamy white, yellowish, narrow
-Grain : Straight
-Texture : Coarse to medium
-Machining : Hard with manual tools
-Sawmilling : Medium
-Blunting : Medium
-Molding :
-Planing : Good
-Shaping :
-Turning : Good
-Boring :
-Mortising :
-Sanding :
-Polishing : Good
-Finish: Medium
-Bending : Very good
-Clinking: Low
-Gluing : Good
-Durability: Good
-Uses : Fences, furniture, mine shafts, naval contruction, tools
-Precautions : Wearing a mask and long sleeves are recommended
-Budgetary price : Medium