Pinus resinosaPinus resinosa

Red Pine – Red Norway – Resin Pine

Botanical Name : Pinus resinosa – French Name : Pin Rouge

Catégorie :


  • -Height : 80 ‘
    -Diameter : 3 ‘
    -Lifespan :
    – Growth :
  • -Weight : 2.80 lbs / bft
    -Hardness : 560 lbs
    -Color: variable from pale red to reddish orange-brown
    -Sapwood : Almost white to yellow, wide
    -Grain : Straight, regular
    -Texture : Average
    -Machining : Easy with manual tools or machine tools
    -Sawmilling :
    -Blunting :
    -Molding :
    -Planing : Good
    -Shaping :
    -Turning :
    -Boring :
    -Mortising :
    -Sanding :
    -Polishing :
    -Finish: Medium (resin)
    -Bending : Medium
    -Nailing : Good
    -Gluing : Good
    -Stability: Medium
    -Durability: Low
    -Uses : Poles, piles, poles, lumber, beams, joists, stairs, trusses, siding, carpentry, carpentry, garden furniture, toys, pulp and paper. Trees planted for windbreaks and Christmas trees. The bark is used for tanning and the old stumps are used for the production of turpentine and rosin.
    -Precautions : Wearing a mask and long sleeves are recommended.
    -Budgetary price : Low