Eucalyptus camaldulensisEucalyptus camaldulensis

River Red gum

Botanical Name : Eucalyptus camaldulensis – French Name : Gommier des rivi?res

Catégorie :


  • -Height : 65′-100 ‘(Max 150′)
    -Diameter : 3’-4 ‘(Max 6’)
    -Lifespan :
    -Growth : Rapid
  • -Weight : 3.80 lbs / bft
    -Hardness : 2180 lbs
    -Color : pale pink to dark red
    -Sapwood : Distinct, <10 cm
    -Grain : straight, sometimes wavy, interlocked,
    -Texture : Moderately coarse, uniform
    -Machining : Difficult hand tools, easy machine tools
    -Sawmilling : Medium to difficult
    -Discast: Average
    -Molding :
    -Planing : Difficult (interlocked, resin)
    -Shaping :
    -Turning : Difficult (interlocked, resin)
    -Boring : Hard (interlocked, resin)
    -Mortising : Difficult (interlocked, resin)
    -Sanding : Medium (interlocked, resin)
    -Polishing : Medium
    -Finishing : Excellent
    -Bending : Low
    -Nailing : Medium (Pre-drilling)
    -Gluing : Medium (resin)
    -Stability: Good
    -Durability: Excellent
    -Uses : Railway sleepers, fences, floors, veneers, turning
    -Budget price : Medium