Olneya tesotaOlneya tesota

Desert Ironwood

Botanical Name : Olneya tesota – French Name : Bois de fer- Ironwood

Catégorie :


  • -Height : 15′-30 ‘
    -Diameter : 1’-2 ‘
    -Lifespan :
    -Growth :
  • -Weight : 6.25 lbs / pmp
    -Hardness : 3260 lbs
    -Color: Dark chocolate brown to almost black, marbled with yellowish red
    -Sapwood : Narrow, lime yellow color
    -Grain : Irregular
    -Texture : Fine, uniform, high luster
    -Working : Very difficult with manual tools and machine tools
    -Sawmilling :
    -Blunting :
    -Molding :
    -Planing :
    -Shaping :
    -Carving :
    -Boring :
    -Mortising :
    -Sanding :
    -Polishing : Excellent
    -Finishing : Difficult
    -Bending :
    -Nailing :
    -Gluing :
    -Stability : Excellent
    -Durability : Low
    -Environment :
    -Uses : Knife handles, jewelry, decorative pieces
    -Precautions : Wearing a mask and long sleeves are recommended.
    -Budget Price: High