- Weight
- kg/m3
- lb/ft3
- lb/bft
- Density
- Green
- Kg/m3
- lb/ft3
- Airdry
- Kg/m3
- lb/ft3
- Kiln Dry
- kg/m3
- lb/ft3
- Green
- Color
- Heartwood
- Sapwood
- Distinction
- Width
- Grain
- Description
- Type
- Interlocked
- End grain
- Appearance
- Texture
- Luster
- Figures & Specialties
- Types of figures
- Fluorescence
- Odor
- Taux de lipides (Huile)
- Taux de silice
- Uses
- Woodworking
- Specific
- History
- Name
- French
- English
- Botanical
- Meaning latin name
- Other names
- Synonyms
- Nomenclature
- Group
- Domain
- Plyllum
- Subphyllum
- Class
- Order
- Gender
- Specie
- Subspecie
- Variety
- Appellation
- Code
- Chromosom
- Fiber
- Section
- Transversal
- Radial
- Tangentiel
- Vaissels
- Tracheides
- Parenchymaxial
- Rays
- Structure
- Secretion
- Minerals
- Resin
- Verticillium
- Annual Rings
- /po
- /cm
- Precautions
- Type
- AllergEns
- Substitut
- Hardness
- Green
- /lbf
- /N
- Dry
- /lbf
- /N
- Green
- Green
- Dry
- Modulus of rupture (MOR)
- Toughness
- Green
- /Mpa
- /Gpa
- Dry
- /Mpa
- Gpa
- Green
- Modulus of elasticity (MOE)
- Green
- Dry
- Parallel compression to
- Green
- Dry
- Perpendicular compression
perpendiculaire to grain
- Green
- Dry
- Work to Maximum Load (WML)
- Green
- Dry
- Oblique compression
- Green
- Dry
- Comparison
- Drying
- Time
- Distortion
- Cementation
- Checking
- Collapsing
- Radial Movement
- 0%
- 6%
- 20%
- Tangential Movement
- 0%
- 6%
- 20%
- Volumetric Movement
- 0%
- 6%
- 20%
- Stability
- Durability
- Sapwood
- Heartwood
- Fungus
- Insects
- Termites
- Classification
- Preservation
- Impregnation
- Insects
- Humidity
- Temporary
- Permanent
- Grading
- Rules
- Fire Rating
- Flooring
- Heat
- Smoke
- Information
- Wall
- Heat
- Flooring
- Sawmilling
- Blunting
- Tools
- Working
- Planing
- Molding
- Shaping
- Sanding
- Polishing
- Boring
- Mortising
- Turning
- Bending
- Carving
- Veneer
- Rotary
- Sliced
- Nailing
- Screwing
- Gluing
Recommanded Glue
- Drying
- Time
- Deformation
- Cementation
- Fente
- Collapse
- Mouvement radial
- Description
- 0%
- 6%
- 20%
- Mouvement tangentiel
- Description
- 0%
- 6%
- 20%
- Mouvement volumétrique :
- Description
- 0%
- 6%
- 20%
- Stability
- Durability
- Sapwood
- Heartwood
- Fungus
- Insects
- Termites
- Class
- Rules
- Preservation
- Impregnation
- Insects
- Temporary humidty
- Permanent humidy
- Notes
- Heart :
- Sapwood
- Classification
- Class
- Type of products
- Fire resistance
- < 14 mm
- > 14 mm
- Flooring
- Heat flux
- Smoke rate
- Rule
- Wall
- Heat flux
- Rule
Wood care
· Type :
· Allergens :
- Height
- pi
- m
- Description
- Diameter
- pi
- m
- Description
- Lifespan
- Growth
- Description
- 10 Years
- 20 Years
- Maturity
- Distinctive features
- Shape
- Crown
- Description
- Uniformity
- Density
- Canopy
- Class
- Dimension
- Shape
- Trunk
- Type
- Logs
- Description
- Flottability
- Conservation
- Bark
- Branches
- Description
- Rupture
- Thickness
- Stem
- Coulor
- Brushwood
- Shaft
- Foliage
- Caracteristics
- Leaves
- Arrangements
- Types
- Blade
- Length
- Color
- Description
- Seasonal characteristics
- Autumn characteristics
- Winter characteristics
- Buds
- Branch
- Scale
- Leaves
- Flowers
- Name
- Color
- Caracteristics
- Season
- Seeds
- Fruits
- Shape
- Length
- Covering
- Color
- Roots
- Diameter
- Dimension
- Seedling
- Male Cone
- Female Cone
- Vegetative multiplication (propagation)
- Intercropping cultures
- Distribution
- Habitat
- Altitude
- Temperature
- Soil
- Soil improver
- Origin
- Rusticity
- Zone
- Acidity
- Maintenance
- Seasons
- Flowering
- Related Plants
- Shadow
- Shelter
- Plantation
- Drought
- Winter
- Wind
- Fiber
- Edibility
- Taste
- Medicinal
- Description
- Used Parties
- Tribal
- Research
- Main action
- Other Actions
- Products
- Contraindication
- Contradictions
- Ethnomedical
- Uses
- Country
- Pharmaceutical
- Hazard
- Host
- Pests
- Disease
- Littering
- Availability
- List
- Ozone
- Fiber
- Environmental
- Ecology
- Biogenic emission
- Management
- Harvesting
- Handling after harvesting
- Breeding
- Erosion control
- Poison
- Tannin
- Dyeing
- Description
- Continent
- Restriction
- Embodied energy
- Carbon impact