Alnus rubraAlnus rubra

Red Alder

Botanical Name : Alnus rubra – French Name : Aulne Rouge

Catégorie :


  • -Height : 60′-90 ‘(Max 130’)
    -Diameter : 22 “-30”
    -Lifespan : 40-60 years
    – Growth :
  • -Weight : 2.35 lbs / bft
    -Hardness : 590 lbs
    -Color : Almost white when freshly cut, but quickly turns into a light brown or pale reddish brown with a yellow or reddish tinge when exposed to air.
    -Sapwood : Not distinct
    -Grain : Straight
    -Texture : Fine, uniform
    -Machining : Hand tools and machine tools difficult ****,
    -Sawmilling :
    -Blunting :
    -Molding :
    -Planing : Good
    -Shaping : Low
    -Turning : Excellent
    -Boring : Good
    -Mortising : Medium
    -Sanding :
    -Polishing : Excellent
    -Finishing : Excellent
    -Bending : Low
    -Nailing : Medium to low
    -Gluing : Good
    -Durability: Low, good in contact with water
    -Uses : Lumber, pulp and paper, furniture, cabinets, plywood, interior finish, chips for fumigation, sculpture
    -Precautions : Wearing long sleeves is recommended.
    -Budget price : Low